Merton Support Services
Merton Stop Smoking Service.
One You Merton provides a stop smoking support for everyone that lives, works, studies, or has a GP in the Borough of Merton.
People will be offered access to stop smoking self-care or a specialist service.
The specialist service is for:
- Pregnant women.
- Young people.
- People with mental health needs.
- People with respiratory illness.
- People from BAME communities.
The service is accessed through self-referrals and referrals through from HCPs.
The specialist service provides smoking cessation advisor sessions and the offer of NRT.
Support lasts up to 12 weeks.
Support is available online / telephone. It will be returning face to face soon.
For more information please visit our website; NHS stop smoking service Merton, London – One You Merton

Merton Stop Smoking Service
stop smoking london services
Call us to speak to a Stop Smoking London free helpline advisor who will help find the right support for you. We are open seven days a week at the following times:
Monday to Friday – 9am to 8pm
Saturday and Sunday – 11am – 4pm
Call 0300 123 1044