Westminster Support Services

Westminster Support Services

Westminster offer behavioural support over a 12 week period including free provision of NRT as well as e cigarettes.

The Service is for residents aged 12+ who smoke cigarettes and/ or shisha. We also support people during pregnancy.

Our services can be self & Health Care Professional referral. Short term support but can be re-referred as is needed. GPs can refer into service.

For more information please visit; RBKC & Westminster

Website form SS & HLS Self-Referral form (Intro)

Your local stop smoking service is

Westminster Stop Smoking Service


Call 0808 175 6385 to speak to an advisor

Speak to an advisor

Apply Online

Complete the online referral form

Referral Form

Stop Smoking London Services

Call us to speak to a Stop Smoking London advisor who will help you to find the right support for you. We are open seven days a week at the following times:

Monday to Friday – 9am to 8pm

Saturday and Sunday – 11am – 4pm

Call 0300 123 1044

Why not explore

Couple walking and laughing

Why Quit?

There are lots of reasons to stop smoking And the benefits start sooner than you might think!

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Need help with your quit smoking motivation?

Quit Smoking Motivation: A guide for Londoners

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Stop smoking calendar: How to give up smoking this year

Stop Smoking Calendar: A tool to help you stick with quitting

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