Hammersmith & Fulham Support Services

Your local stop smoking service is

Hammersmith & Fulham Stop Smoking Service

Stop Smoking London Free Helpline

Call: 03001231044

stop smoking london services

Get free expert support to help you quit smoking if you are a resident in the London borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. 

Hammersmith and Fulham can support: Pregnant women, People with a mental health diagnosis (including those with severe and enduring mental illness referred via mental health services), Individuals with drug and/or alcohol difficulties, including those in treatment, and individuals referred via Criminal Justice Support Services. 

If you do not fit into any of the above categories, you can access support through Stop Smoking London. 

We provide a combination of stop smoking support that works for you, all provided by our stop smoking specialists, from recognising the risks of smoking and behaviours that make it hard to quit, to trying nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and e-cigarettes. 

You can refer someone to a stop smoking service via this online form.  Please note that referrals can be made for: 

  •  Pregnant women. 
  • People with a mental health diagnosis. including those with severe and enduring mental illness referred via mental health services. 
  • Individuals with drug and/or alcohol difficulties, including those in treatment. 
  • People referred via Criminal Justice Support Services. 
Call 0300 123 1044

Why not explore

Couple walking and laughing

Why Quit?

There are lots of reasons to stop smoking And the benefits start sooner than you might think!

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Need help with your quit smoking motivation?

Quit Smoking Motivation: A guide for Londoners

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