Barnet Support Services
Barnet Stop Smoking Services.
If you live, work or study in Barnet, and you are someone who smokes tobacco and are aged over 12yrs, there are free and confidential one-to-one support programmes across the borough to help.
Barnet has a number of local stop smoking service providers, many are GP surgeries, some are Pharmacy led and there is also a core Barnet Stop Smoking team too. All stop smoking services in Barnet are provided by an accredited stop smoking practitioner at registered GP surgeries, pharmacies or with the Barnet team.
You can contact any of the pharmacies by telephone or online, but if you would like to use a GP surgery service, you must be registered as a patient at that practice. You do not need a referral to access these services.
HCPs can refer you to the Barnet Stop Smoking team or you can self-refer via secure web form, we will help you find the right service option for you.
Routinely, you will receive up to 6 weeks of free behavioural support with your advisor, you may have to pay for any prescriptions you might need if you do not have a current exemption or pre-payment certificate. We can offer you advice on the most cost-effective way to get the medication that you require.
The stop smoking advisor will:
- discuss the treatment options with you.
- advise you on a range of replacement therapy, e-cigarettes, and medications, which could be used.
- support you to set a quit date and agree treatment options.
- offer you regular face to face/ telephone consultations, where you will be able to discuss your progress.
- work with you to overcome any challenges fighting cravings and helping you remain 100% smoke free.
Currently, most GP and Pharmacy support is face-to-face and 1:1, however some venues may be still operating virtual/telephone clinics.
There are no group sessions currently.
Digital App offer:
For those who can/would like to, we can offer a paid version of The Smokefree App (Smoke Free – The help you need to quit for good ( ) for 3months use of the full premium version with 1:1 access to advisors online and clinics. To get this offer, you must sign up with a Barnet stop smoking clinic and set a Quit Day, codes are obtainable from Barnet Stop Smoking Team.
Electronic Cigarettes or Vaping (E-cigs or Vapes):
Electronic cigarettes provide nicotine without the harmful chemicals from cigarette smoke, in a similar way to Nicotine Replacement Therapies (patches/gum/sprays). Experts agree that “vaping poses a small fraction of the risks of smoking.” These are not currently available on prescription from the stop smoking service but, if you would like to use them, we fully support them being included in your quit attempt as they provide nicotine and behavioural support for you while you quit the cigarettes. Talk to your Stop Smoking Advisor and they will guide you on the best ways to get the most out of vaping.
It is important to always buy vape equipment from reputable retailers; you can search the Find a Vape shop Find a Vape Shop – IBVTA members vaping shops for these in your area.