Lambeth Servicii suport

Lambeth Stop Smoking Service.

You can refer yourself to the specialist Stop Smoking service if you are a Lambeth resident and from one of the ‘at-risk’ groups below:

  • Diagnosed with one or more long-term conditions, including mental illness.
  • Pregnant women and their partners.
  • Parents with children aged five or under.
  • Smokers considered to be complicated cases, such as chronic smokers.

During your initial appointment, your Stop Smoking specialist will take you through the stages of stopping, including preparing to stop, actually stopping and staying stopped. You will have a minimum of six weeks’ free one-to-one behavioural support in your journey to become smoke-free. Your specialist will help and support you in your choice and use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). You can access this service face to face or remotely. We are currently running a vaping pilot for pregnant people and their partners.

People can also be referred by their local GPs or during hospital admission. Pharmacy support is also available in specific locations around the borough, please check our website or call us for more information.

Serviciul local de oprire a fumatului este

Lambeth Serviciul de oprire a fumatului


Call 0800 856 3409 or 020 3049 5791 to speak to a Lambeth advisor

Vorbeste cu un consilier

nu mai fumați serviciile de la Londra

Sunați-ne pentru a vorbi cu un consilier gratuit de asistență pentru Stop Smoking London care vă va ajuta să găsiți asistența potrivită pentru dvs. Suntem deschisi sapte zile pe saptamana la urmatoarele ore:

De luni până vineri – între orele 9:00 și 20:00
Sâmbătă și duminică – 11:00 – 16:00

Sunați la 0300 123 1044

De ce să nu explorezi

Couple walking and laughing

De ce Renunță

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