Quitting smoking is difficult so it’s important to understand your triggers and get the right support for you.
You’ re not alone – we’ve got you
Do you need help to quit smoking?
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. You should choose what works best for you and that’s where we can help.
One of the best ways to quit smoking for good is to recognise why you get the urge to smoke and to know how to manage these triggers. You can then mix and match different types of support – from health advisors in your local borough and stop smoking apps to nicotine replacements and prescription medication.
We’re here to help you succeed. The information on this page is a great starting place and you might also find the tips in our free guide on how to quit smoking and our five steps to being smokefree in 2025 helpful.
Don’t put it off, put it out.
By understanding your smoking triggers, you can take steps to avoid them and find alternative coping mechanisms. You might find it helpful to follow the four ‘Ds’ as a way to deal with nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Cravings usually pass in a few minutes so try to avoid acting on the urge to smoke.
Do something that takes your attention away from the urge to smoke, such as tidying a room or going for a walk.
Deep breathing
Spend a few minutes doing some slow, relaxed breathing exercises – this is particularly helpful if you’re feeling stressed.
Drink water
Sip some water slowly to help you pass the time and overcome your craving.
You can find more detailed information on the four ‘Ds’ and other tips to help you deal with cravings and triggers in our free guide on how to quit smoking.
Quitting smoking takes time and effort. Whilst some people choose to quit abruptly and go ‘cold turkey’, most need to take a different approach.
You are three times more likely to quit successfully if you use a combination of expert support (from e.g. your local stop smoking service, pharmacist or GP) with a stop smoking aid, such as nicotine replacement and/or a vape. Your friends and family can also help to motivate and support you.
The benefits of quitting smoking are immediate – you’ll improve your physical and mental health, save money, protect your loved ones and much more.
Learn why quitting smoking will make your life better and share our guide on how to help someone stop smoking with your loved ones.
Use Stop Smoking Tools
Prescription medication
There are several treatments available on prescription that could help you beat your addiction.
E-cigarettes and vaping
Research has shown vaping to be 95% safer than smoking tobacco – perhaps it could work for you.
Stop smoking apps
With a broad range of tools and features, the Smokefree App is there to support you 24/7.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
Clean nicotine (in e.g. patches) can help you beat cravings and avoid the dangerous tar and toxic chemicals in tobacco.