Smoking rates across London are higher among men than in women. This article takes a look at the impact of smoking on men’s health. Read on to find out more.

This week is Men’s Health Week (MHW) which aims to give all boys and men access to the information, services and treatment they need to live healthier, longer and more fulfilling lives.
Smoking rates across London are higher among men than in women. This article takes a look at the impact of smoking on men’s health. Read on to find out more.
Does smoking impact my physical health?
Yes. Smoking affects many parts of your body, including your physical endurance. If you smoke, you get less oxygen in your heart, lungs and muscles. This reduces your physical fitness.
Smoking is responsible for around 1 in 4 cancer deaths and is the leading cause of lung cancer in the UK. Smoking is also the main cause of COPD – a name for a group of lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties, such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
The day you stop smoking, your body begins to repair itself. Within the first few days, you’ll notice that you can breathe easier and have more energy, making exercise and daily tasks easier and more enjoyable.
Does smoking impact mental health?
Yes. Smoking increases your risk of depression and anxiety.
Tobacco contains nicotine, which is known to cause anxiety or make existing feelings of anxiety worse. Nicotine is an addictive chemical which is absorbed into the blood, producing chemicals that lead to temporary feelings of relief, making you crave more of it. This craving can make you anxious until you smoke again. You become reliant on this feeling and can feel depressed and anxious when your nicotine levels drop.
Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and other stop smoking aids, such as nicotine vapes or prescribed medications, are an effective way to quit. NRT is safe to use and provides nicotine without all the harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke. This can help to take the edge of your cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
How does smoking affect my physical appearance?
Smoking can affect your skin. Smoking can cause facial wrinkles and ageing, making your appearance age quicker. Smoking also makes skin conditions like eczema, acne and psoriasis worse.
It also impacts other aspects of physical appearance, including:
- Oral health and gum disease
- Hair loss and greying
Chris quit smoking after noticing his physical and mental health was deteriorating.
Get free help to quit smoking today.

Suffering from anxiety, his acne worsening and experiencing breathlessness, Chris from Hackney knew that smoking was harming his health and needed to make a change.
By using his upcoming wedding and love for his partner as the motivation to quit, Chris reversed 17 years of tobacco-related damage by calling upon the help of loved ones and using the support of ex-smokers who had successfully quit for good.
Is my sexual health impacted by smoking?
Smoking damages blood vessels and affects circulation, so men who smoke have a higher chance of experiencing Erectile Dysfunction (ED). This impacts men similarly regardless of your age. As soon as you quit smoking, your chances of ED drop.
Sex drive is also affected, with studies showing men who smoke having a higher risk of a low sex drive.
Will my fertility be affected by smoking?
Smoking is linked to fertility challenges in several ways. Smoking is connected to a lower sperm count, reduced motility and lower semen volume, making it more difficult for couples to get pregnant. Tobacco also damages eggs and sperm which increases the risk of miscarriage and difficulty throughout pregnancy.
I want help to quit smoking
You are 3x more likely to successfully stop smoking when you combine stop smoking aids such as NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) or a vape with behavioural support (counselling and advice) offered by a stop smoking service.
The majority of stop smoking services in London also provide free medication and treatment plans. Find your local stop smoking service here.