Sign-up for free text messaging support to help you quit

Text messaging support to help you quit

Stop Smoking London’s new free text messaging support service  

Stopping smoking can feel daunting. But our new text messaging support service can help you succeed in your quit journey. 

The free service has been created with input from top medical experts and from ex-smokers who have successfully quit.   

It provides daily motivational texts to support your quit journey, tailored around the five most common reasons for quitting: 

  • Improve general health 
  • Pregnancy 
  • Saving more money 
  • Encouragement from family/friends and/or partner 
  • Planning a family 

To receive our stop smoking support messages just sign up using the form below, choosing one of the five ‘quit reason’ options that best describes your reason for wanting to quit and give the date you want the text messages to start.  You will receive an initial text with a link to confirm you wish to sign up.

Subscribe to get daily stop smoking text messages straight to your phone

Stop smoking support, tips and tools to keep you on track. Combine with our telephone quit programme or with help from a local stop smoking service, your GP or pharmacist.

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Best time to receive your daily text (UK time)
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Getting started with stop smoking text messages

Using our text messages works best alongside free help from a stop smoking advisor, your GP or pharmacist. It gives you daily stop smoking support, expert advice, and encouragement – straight to your phone.

Whether you’re just starting or have been on the quit journey and need some extra support, you’ll find the information you need for a successful and lasting quit here.

The effectiveness of daily support

Quitting smoking is a daily commitment. Getting support increases the chances of your success.

Text messages are a unique way for you to receive daily encouragement. They provide you with timely reminders, motivation, tips and advice on tools to help you.

Research has shown that people who have daily support are more likely to maintain their commitment to quit. Whatever your reason for quitting – use our text messages with help from a local advisor and stop smoking aids like nicotine replacement and vaping to get the inspiration and motivation you need to keep going.

Why use stop smoking text messages?

Free text messages are a powerful tool for smoking cessation. This is because they are accessible, free and regular. Let’s look at the benefits for you:

  • Accessible: If you live in London, our service is available for you. There are five free daily text subscriptions to choose from, depending on your main reason for quitting. Experiencing nicotine withdrawal symptoms? Our guide to nicotine withdrawal will help you understand how to manage these.
  • Cost-effective: Just like free local support and advice from your GP and pharmacist, free SMS text messages can help.
  • Daily reinforcement: Getting a quit smoking text daily gives you consistent reinforcement, helping you stay committed to your quit journey. If you’re exploring ways to quit smoking, the text messages will provide you with links to  advice like how to stop social smoking, smoking when drinking and smoking in the morning.

Getting started with our stop smoking text message service

How do I get text reminders to quit smoking?

Use these daily reminders alongside other tools and support. Sign-up for free daily text subscriptions couldn’t be easier. Using the form above:

  • Enter your details
  • Select your quit date
  • Choose your reason for quitting from one of five options
  • Your first message will give you a link to confirm you have signed up
  • Get stop smoking support sent straight to your phone for 28 days

Understanding the stop smoking text message service

Once you have signed up and set your quit date you should start receiving quit smoking texts daily. You can opt-out at any time using the instructions included in the first text.

The messages are designed to offer motivation, tips, and reinforcement to keep you focused. If you feel you need extra support you can also speak to our free stop smoking helpline and enrol on our eight-week telephone programme.

At the end of 28 days you will be asked to complete a simple survey. Let us know how you found it and help us improve the stop smoking text message service.

Smoke-free text in the UK

How to quit smoking and how can our smoke-free text service help you?

There are five options for our smoke-free text service:

  • I am stopping smoking to improve my health
  • I want to quit because I am pregnant
  • I am starting a family
  • I want to save money
  • I want to quit for the people I care about

Once you choose your option the texts you receive are tailored around your needs. They will arrive each day and include tips, insights and links to useful stop smoking guides on this website.

Advice and tips for successful quitting

Make your text message stop smoking support even more effective by following our advice and tips.

The benefits of quitting smoking

The decision to quit smoking brings many improvements to your health and lifestyle. Find out more about the Benefits of Quitting Smoking. From stronger lungs to reduced risk of chronic diseases, there are immediate and long-term advantages of breaking free from your smoking habits. Understanding these benefits can help your motivation to achieve a smoke-free life.

How to quit smoking

Find out How to Quit – proven methods, behavioural changes, and support systems that can improve your likelihood of success. From setting a quit date to finding alternative coping mechanisms, our stop smoking guides provide practical tips to help individuals overcome the challenges associated with quitting smoking and build a foundation for lasting success.

Understand nicotine, anxiety and manage nicotine withdrawal

Understanding the link between nicotine and anxiety and managing nicotine withdrawal symptoms is crucial for a successful quit. In our comprehensive guide to Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms, we explore the physical and psychological affects you may experience when giving up nicotine. From irritability to cravings, this guide offers valuable insights into recognising and coping with these symptoms, providing a roadmap for a smoother transition towards your smoke-free life.

Find the best vape to quit smoking

Nicotine vaping is an effective tool to help adult smokers quit. Read our guide to choosing the Best Vape to Quit Smoking if you plan on using vaping to reduce the harm and cost of tobacco products.

Additional Resources

Congratulations on your decision to stop smoking

This is a personal and empowering choice. Using text messages as a support system is a convenient and effective way to achieve a smoke-free life. The consistent encouragement, expert advice, and resources provided through our text messages can be your ally in overcoming the challenges of quitting smoking. Sign-up using the form at the top of this page.