Latest Campaigns

Why not use one of our annual campaigns as a springboard to your quit attempt

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health

Quitting smoking is one of the best things that you can do for your health and we are here to help you do it at any time of the year. Everyone’s journey is different and it can sometimes be easier when you join others to quit during one of our campaigns.

Smoking remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death. Each year thousands of smokers use our Stop Smoking London campaigns to help build their confidence and get the support they need. Many people stop smoking for good using these resources.

Whether its New Year, No Smoking Day or Stoptober, you can read more about other former smokers’ stories of success, the benefits of stopping smoking, as well as getting top tips to help you on your own quitting journey.

Latest Campaigns

See our latest campaigns to help you join others and start your journey to becoming smokefree.

Looking for more help?

Understanding Stop Smoking Services

Find out what support is available when you through free stop smoking services

Support for you

Find your local stop smoking service

Text message service

Sign up to daily text messages providing support tailored to your reason for quitting

Stop smoking app

Why not try support through our app? Support in your hand whenever you need it.